The restrainer that is holding back satan is Michael the Archangel!! Look it up in Daniel. The Holy Spirit showed me this a while back - and confirmed it. Yaweh bless all who diligently seek Him.
Sounds very plausible Lisa! The Creator Yahweh may well have delegated this power to Michael to protect the Church as well as the nation of Israel, very interesting! I feel quite certain that the Antichrist cannot be revealed until we are removed. Thank you for your input!
Check out Daniel chpt 12 - Michael really is the Restrainer. I'm only sharing what the Holy Spirit revealed to me. I don't interpret Scripture - I have to wait on Him to show me:).
The KEY to understanding when we will be ‘raptured’ (gathered up with Yeshua at His Second coming) is Resurrection Timing. We can also find out when the antichrist is revealed in the timing/sequence of events that will take place. Remember, we are not children of darkness that that time (2nd coming) should come upon us as a thief in the night:). Hallelujah! First, please read Matthew 24 and have a careful AND prayerful look at what Yeshua says about WHEN the antichrist is revealed - what happens before it (beginning of sorrows/birth pangs) and what MUST happen after he is revealed and THEN what those who are alive and remain must do - then the clues about when Yeshua returns. Now let's have a look at the sequence of what happens at Yeshua's Coming:). 1 Thess 4:15..."WE WHO are ALIVE & REMAIN UNTIL the coming of the Lord, will NOT PRECEDE (go before) those who have fallen asleep (died in Christ). 16For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel & with the trumpet of God, & the dead in Christ will rise FIRST(!).
17**THEN** WE WHO ARE ALIVE & REMAIN WILL BE CAUGHT UP **TOGETHER** WITH them in the clouds to MEET the Lord in the air, & so we shall ALWAYS be with the Lord.
18Therefore comfort one another with these words.
Why comfort one another with these words if we escape tribulation?! It's a good question.
I had read this passage so many times for years and not seen the TRUTH of the timing of our gathering up ('rapture'), until the Holy Spirit took the veil off my eyes coupled with the desire in my heart to know His Truth and shed.
It's important to know so we are PREPARED for what's coming. That’s what the Holy spirit underlined for me when He showed me.
2 Thess 2:1 Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ **AND** OUR GATHERING TOGETHER (RAPTURE!) to Him, 2that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, TO THE EFFECT THAT THE DAY OF THE LORD HAS COME. 3 LET NO ONE in any way deceive you, for IT WILL NOT come UNLESS the apostasy (great falling away) comes FIRST, AND the MAN OF LAWLESSNESS (antichrist) is REVEALED, the son of destruction...
So here it tells us that Yeshua will NOT return for us UNTIL the great falling away has taken place AND the man of lawlessness (antichrist) has been revealed!!
8THEN that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth & bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; 9that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power & signs & false wonders, 10 & w/ all the deception of wickedness for THOSE WHO PERISH, BECAUSE THEY DID **NOT** RECEIVE THE LOVE of the TRUTH so as to be saved.
satan will trick many at the 6th trumpet, that HE is the 2nd coming of Christ!
satan is pandering to peoples' desire to escape tribulation.
People WILL fall for the deception that antichrist is the messiah (at 6th trumpet) BECAUSE they are placing their faith & hope in the wrong place (false doctrine). This is why it is a dangerous doctrine.
We will only escape tribulation BY Yaweh guiding us to safe places (and the clues to those places are in the OT:) Halleljah and Yeshua refers to WHEN we flee in Matt 24)! THIS WILL happen BY FAITH, by keeping His commandments (by HIS conviction only - not man convicting us) and patiently watching for the signs of His Coming (it's so exciting!!):).
I have to account for every word before Yeshua and I fear Yaweh. Selah, brother. Yaweh bless all who diligently seek Him - asking Him to cleanse their hearts and instil only that which He desires for His Glory.
p.s. the Holy Spirit also comforted me with Isaiah 57:1-2 when I was concerned about loved ones (like my very elderly grandparents) and the tribulation...not all will make it through the tribulation - many will die and MERCIFULLY 'sleep' in sheol until His return.
I realised as He showed me this - I remembered He promises us He will not put more on us than we can bear.
Isaiah 57: 1The righteous man perishes, and no man takes it to heart; And devout men are taken away, while no one understands For the RIGHTEOUS MAN IS TAKEN AWAY FROM EVIL, 2HE ENTERS INTO PEACE; They rest in their beds, Each one who walked in his upright way.
The restrainer that is holding back satan is Michael the Archangel!! Look it up in Daniel. The Holy Spirit showed me this a while back - and confirmed it.
Yaweh bless all who diligently seek Him.
Sounds very plausible Lisa! The Creator Yahweh may well have delegated this power to Michael to protect the Church as well as the nation of Israel, very interesting! I feel quite certain that the Antichrist cannot be revealed until we are removed. Thank you for your input!
Check out Daniel chpt 12 - Michael really is the Restrainer. I'm only sharing what the Holy Spirit revealed to me. I don't interpret Scripture - I have to wait on Him to show me:).
The KEY to understanding when we will be ‘raptured’ (gathered up with Yeshua at His Second coming) is Resurrection Timing. We can also find out when the antichrist is revealed in the timing/sequence of events that will take place. Remember, we are not children of darkness that that time (2nd coming) should come upon us as a thief in the night:). Hallelujah!
First, please read Matthew 24 and have a careful AND prayerful look at what Yeshua says about WHEN the antichrist is revealed - what happens before it (beginning of sorrows/birth pangs) and what MUST happen after he is revealed and THEN what those who are alive and remain must do - then the clues about when Yeshua returns.
Now let's have a look at the sequence of what happens at Yeshua's Coming:).
1 Thess 4:15..."WE WHO are ALIVE & REMAIN UNTIL the coming of the Lord, will NOT PRECEDE (go before) those who have fallen asleep (died in Christ). 16For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel & with the trumpet of God, & the dead in Christ will rise FIRST(!).
17**THEN** WE WHO ARE ALIVE & REMAIN WILL BE CAUGHT UP **TOGETHER** WITH them in the clouds to MEET the Lord in the air, & so we shall ALWAYS be with the Lord.
18Therefore comfort one another with these words.
Why comfort one another with these words if we escape tribulation?! It's a good question.
I had read this passage so many times for years and not seen the TRUTH of the timing of our gathering up ('rapture'), until the Holy Spirit took the veil off my eyes coupled with the desire in my heart to know His Truth and shed.
It's important to know so we are PREPARED for what's coming. That’s what the Holy spirit underlined for me when He showed me.
2 Thess 2:1 Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ **AND** OUR GATHERING TOGETHER (RAPTURE!) to Him, 2that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, TO THE EFFECT THAT THE DAY OF THE LORD HAS COME. 3 LET NO ONE in any way deceive you, for IT WILL NOT come UNLESS the apostasy (great falling away) comes FIRST, AND the MAN OF LAWLESSNESS (antichrist) is REVEALED, the son of destruction...
So here it tells us that Yeshua will NOT return for us UNTIL the great falling away has taken place AND the man of lawlessness (antichrist) has been revealed!!
8THEN that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth & bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; 9that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power & signs & false wonders, 10 & w/ all the deception of wickedness for THOSE WHO PERISH, BECAUSE THEY DID **NOT** RECEIVE THE LOVE of the TRUTH so as to be saved.
satan will trick many at the 6th trumpet, that HE is the 2nd coming of Christ!
satan is pandering to peoples' desire to escape tribulation.
People WILL fall for the deception that antichrist is the messiah (at 6th trumpet) BECAUSE they are placing their faith & hope in the wrong place (false doctrine). This is why it is a dangerous doctrine.
We will only escape tribulation BY Yaweh guiding us to safe places (and the clues to those places are in the OT:) Halleljah and Yeshua refers to WHEN we flee in Matt 24)! THIS WILL happen BY FAITH, by keeping His commandments (by HIS conviction only - not man convicting us) and patiently watching for the signs of His Coming (it's so exciting!!):).
I have to account for every word before Yeshua and I fear Yaweh. Selah, brother.
Yaweh bless all who diligently seek Him - asking Him to cleanse their hearts and instil only that which He desires for His Glory.
p.s. the Holy Spirit also comforted me with Isaiah 57:1-2 when I was concerned about loved ones (like my very elderly grandparents) and the tribulation...not all will make it through the tribulation - many will die and MERCIFULLY 'sleep' in sheol until His return.
I realised as He showed me this - I remembered He promises us He will not put more on us than we can bear.
Isaiah 57:
1The righteous man perishes, and no man takes it to heart;
And devout men are taken away, while no one understands
They rest in their beds,
Each one who walked in his upright way.
Isn't our loving Father so wonderful?!
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