Much time has passed since I last put up a post on the great global warming scam, so since it is an issue that is going to bring upon us more taxing and more controls, I think it is time to refresh our minds a bit. Global warming is not going to go away. Our Fabian Socialist (Nazi) world leaders, being sworn liars and deceivers, know that the best way to fool the general public is to keep on repeating the same lie over and over and over again. That way, they even get to believe the big fat lie themselves!
The controlling elite are experts in voodoo science - it's their natural preference in life seeing that they are Luciferian by nature! Lucifer is the father of all lies and thereby of all liars and deceivers, so why should we be surprised to find that politicians cannot be trusted?? Why does it shock us so when we discover that politicians are so evil and corrupt? "But it's the scientists who are giving out the facts on global warming, not the politicians" you may say. Yes, but who is behind the dishing out of the huge grants that go to the obedient 'scientists' who are willing to devote their lives to working on experiments that 'prove' what the elite and their puppet politicians are trying to put over?
The controlled politicians are the ones who give credence and weight to the controlled voodoo scientists and their 'findings', without which, the elite could not do what they are doing to us today! Global warming is a lie from the pits of hell and as many people as possible should be woken up to that fact. Time is short. We cannot tell just how long we still have here on this planet. The elite are plotting and scheming round the clock, inventing by the hour more and more ways on how to control us and cull the population if they can. They say that WE are the problem - not THEM and their multinational killer corporations who day by day devastate the Earth and its inhabitants. Maybe more of us should stop listening to and believing their lies! Edward Laughlan
CBC - Global Warming Doomsday Called Off:
The Truth? The debate over the 'science' of Global Warming, or 'Climate Change' as it is more frequently called now (which conveniently allows for ANY change in climate, such as our recent brutally cold winter, to be attributed to Global Warming) is rapidly descending from the scientific arena to those of regulation and taxation as though it were fact. The question you have to ask is, how solid a science is it? Is it up there with the Table of Elements and biochemistry? Or is it merely theoretical hypothesis, like predicting the hurricane season, next week's weather, or even the nascent 'science' of climatology itself?
From my own personal observations and research on the subject (in addition to my three years in the Western Pacific as a Navy oceanographic and meteorological technician, NEC 1413), I don't believe that the science is solid enough to justify taxing and regulating ourselves back into the Stone Age. There are way too many variables that have a far greater impact than man: volcanic eruptions, solar flares and even cosmic rays. And Global Warming proponents are not without their own glaring hypocrisies or financial and political conflicts of interest, as I will soon highlight. Remember also that it was many of these same 'experts' who predicted not thirty years ago that we would all be buried by now under the glaciers of a new Ice Age.
The most troubling aspect of the Global Warming debate is that renowned scientific authorities who dissent from the mainstream view of GW (as held so dearly by the tree-slaughtering Time Magazine), are quickly branded as heretics, deniers or hired guns of Big Oil (as I'm sure I soon will be), and it has cost many their jobs. This is not only reminiscent of the Catholic Church's persecutions of Galileo and Copernicus, it conveniently covers up the fact that the Global Warming industry itself has bestowed upon many of its main players great wealth, influence, major accolades and considerable political power.
If Global Warming goes away, so do all their fat foundation and federal grant checks, not to mention their cushy political jobs. If history has taught us anything, it's that politics and dicey populist scientific theories don't mix. Let us look, for example, at the burgeoning Carbon Credit 'industry.' This works on the premise that Company A, which under-pollutes beneath a set ceiling of 100,000 tons of emissions, may sell those credits to Company B, which can now over-pollute above the set ceiling by 100,000 tons. I see no net gain for the environment there, but plenty for carbon credit salesmen like former vice president Al Gore, who can also conveniently purchase credits from himself to justify using twenty times the electricity the average American homeowner uses.
Will Al Gore's thermostats ever be remotely regulated should such a law pass? Don't answer, it's a rhetorical question. Also, it appears that some of the cures may turn out to be worse than the alleged disease. The new 'green' fluorescent lights bulbs scheduled by an Act of Congress to take the place of the incandescents we all use now have their own environmental issues, such as their mercury content. And the Ethanol industry is under attack for exacerbating the worldwide food crisis.
In addition, third world countries which so desperately need coal and oil energy to develop sufficiently to be self-sustaining and even profitable economies, are now being denied those options by all-knowing UN bureaucrats. So they are the first in the name of Global Warming to be told to live in the dark. Are we all that far behind, really? This is all not to say that we shouldn't act to reduce man's environmental and other impacts on the earth's biosphere. I am not James Watt, who declared that we should strip-mine and drill in our federal preserves because the Second Coming of the Lord is nigh. I am all for recycIing, hybrids, renewable and alternative energies and other solutions, as long as they don't cause more problems or discomfort than existing technologies. But we MUST weigh the balance between technological development and our quality of life against being crushed into oblivion under an avalanche of draconian taxes and regulations that may not be necessary, and will never be repealed no matter how much planetary temperatures or CO2 levels drop.
By then, too many livelihoods, bureaucracies and 'industries' like carbon credits would be too dependent upon it. As Max Weber so famously stated, "the purpose of a bureacracy is to perpetuate itself." When was the last time you ever saw one voluntarily dismantle itself because its overlords thought it was no longer necessary? We couldn't have people losing all those GW jobs just because the earth is icing over now, could we? I do not claim to be an expert. I can only go on what I know and have learned. Nor am I unbiased on the subject, due to my unrelenting suspicion of those who have too much of a personal, financial or political stake in taxing and regulating us back into caves.
The fact is, we all have a stake in this with respect to our finances and our freedoms to make our own individual choices, and not have petty tyrannical government bureaucrats dictating to us whether or when we can flip on a light switch, or turn up a thermostat because our kids have the flu. As always, I welcome comments, analyses and even clever insults. Most welcome are any comments or observations by scientists in the field, no matter which side of the Global Warming aisle they're on.
What I will pay absolutely no mind to are moronic accusations or insults to my intelligence by FLDS-like Global Warming True Believers, or discussions of Arctic ice core samples by Liberal Arts grads whose only real scientific knowledge and experience with Global Warming is getting a sunburn.
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The controlling elite are experts in voodoo science - it's their natural preference in life seeing that they are Luciferian by nature! Lucifer is the father of all lies and thereby of all liars and deceivers, so why should we be surprised to find that politicians cannot be trusted?? Why does it shock us so when we discover that politicians are so evil and corrupt? "But it's the scientists who are giving out the facts on global warming, not the politicians" you may say. Yes, but who is behind the dishing out of the huge grants that go to the obedient 'scientists' who are willing to devote their lives to working on experiments that 'prove' what the elite and their puppet politicians are trying to put over?
The controlled politicians are the ones who give credence and weight to the controlled voodoo scientists and their 'findings', without which, the elite could not do what they are doing to us today! Global warming is a lie from the pits of hell and as many people as possible should be woken up to that fact. Time is short. We cannot tell just how long we still have here on this planet. The elite are plotting and scheming round the clock, inventing by the hour more and more ways on how to control us and cull the population if they can. They say that WE are the problem - not THEM and their multinational killer corporations who day by day devastate the Earth and its inhabitants. Maybe more of us should stop listening to and believing their lies! Edward Laughlan
"The dirty secret is that global warming is driven more by the search for funding than the search for scientific truth. "Big science" was adrift in the early 1990s, like many other beneficiaries of the Cold War, and was desperate to sustain its federal funding. Global warming had all the key attributes of the next big cause. It could be used to frighten the politicians and the public, using threats of catastrophic consequences to extract billions of dollars for research to prevent it. The science was immature, and the door was wide open to all sorts of proposals and projects by scientists promising solutions. High-performance computers were the tools, and the projects promised to be long-term and career-sustaining. Getting funds was easy. As MIT Professor Lindzen has noted, "saving the planet" had a nice ring to it and seemed to portend big bucks at the end of the global warming rainbow.
... Global warming fanatics found powerful allies in the Democratic Party, and especially then Senator Al Gore. Government control and public opinion were the levers needed to implement the global warming agenda. Activists would need to capture key policy jobs in those federal agencies with science portfolios, like the Energy Department, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and NOAA. Once secured, these jobs would give activists control of the key levers of influence over the scientific community-research grants and federal funding of national labs and universities. They knew that they could always buy scientists who would turn out scientific studies and research reports that would help them shape and mold public opinion." (End of Quote)
Op-Ed: Is Global Warming A Science, Theory, Religion Or Power Grab?
CBC - Global Warming Doomsday Called Off:
President Bush is only the latest to hop onto the Global Warming bandwagon. But what is Global Warming? Is it an accurate scientific portent of a rapidly approaching climactic Apocalype? Or a massive Socialist shakedown of profitable capitalist societies?
DISCLAIMER: I hereby state for the record that I am NOT an employee or hired gun of ExxonMobil, Big Oil or Republicans Who Cannot Destroy The Environment Fast Enough. This is how low we have sunk in the debate, if it can be called such. Personally, I like to think of myself as the paler version of Sojourner Truth. And if we are all going to be taxed half to death, or have such flagrant intrusive measures as the state remotely controlling our thermostats, isn't that what we ALL should be looking for before we just jump into the stifling financial and regulatory abyss that awaits us?The Truth? The debate over the 'science' of Global Warming, or 'Climate Change' as it is more frequently called now (which conveniently allows for ANY change in climate, such as our recent brutally cold winter, to be attributed to Global Warming) is rapidly descending from the scientific arena to those of regulation and taxation as though it were fact. The question you have to ask is, how solid a science is it? Is it up there with the Table of Elements and biochemistry? Or is it merely theoretical hypothesis, like predicting the hurricane season, next week's weather, or even the nascent 'science' of climatology itself?
From my own personal observations and research on the subject (in addition to my three years in the Western Pacific as a Navy oceanographic and meteorological technician, NEC 1413), I don't believe that the science is solid enough to justify taxing and regulating ourselves back into the Stone Age. There are way too many variables that have a far greater impact than man: volcanic eruptions, solar flares and even cosmic rays. And Global Warming proponents are not without their own glaring hypocrisies or financial and political conflicts of interest, as I will soon highlight. Remember also that it was many of these same 'experts' who predicted not thirty years ago that we would all be buried by now under the glaciers of a new Ice Age.
The most troubling aspect of the Global Warming debate is that renowned scientific authorities who dissent from the mainstream view of GW (as held so dearly by the tree-slaughtering Time Magazine), are quickly branded as heretics, deniers or hired guns of Big Oil (as I'm sure I soon will be), and it has cost many their jobs. This is not only reminiscent of the Catholic Church's persecutions of Galileo and Copernicus, it conveniently covers up the fact that the Global Warming industry itself has bestowed upon many of its main players great wealth, influence, major accolades and considerable political power.
If Global Warming goes away, so do all their fat foundation and federal grant checks, not to mention their cushy political jobs. If history has taught us anything, it's that politics and dicey populist scientific theories don't mix. Let us look, for example, at the burgeoning Carbon Credit 'industry.' This works on the premise that Company A, which under-pollutes beneath a set ceiling of 100,000 tons of emissions, may sell those credits to Company B, which can now over-pollute above the set ceiling by 100,000 tons. I see no net gain for the environment there, but plenty for carbon credit salesmen like former vice president Al Gore, who can also conveniently purchase credits from himself to justify using twenty times the electricity the average American homeowner uses.
Will Al Gore's thermostats ever be remotely regulated should such a law pass? Don't answer, it's a rhetorical question. Also, it appears that some of the cures may turn out to be worse than the alleged disease. The new 'green' fluorescent lights bulbs scheduled by an Act of Congress to take the place of the incandescents we all use now have their own environmental issues, such as their mercury content. And the Ethanol industry is under attack for exacerbating the worldwide food crisis.
In addition, third world countries which so desperately need coal and oil energy to develop sufficiently to be self-sustaining and even profitable economies, are now being denied those options by all-knowing UN bureaucrats. So they are the first in the name of Global Warming to be told to live in the dark. Are we all that far behind, really? This is all not to say that we shouldn't act to reduce man's environmental and other impacts on the earth's biosphere. I am not James Watt, who declared that we should strip-mine and drill in our federal preserves because the Second Coming of the Lord is nigh. I am all for recycIing, hybrids, renewable and alternative energies and other solutions, as long as they don't cause more problems or discomfort than existing technologies. But we MUST weigh the balance between technological development and our quality of life against being crushed into oblivion under an avalanche of draconian taxes and regulations that may not be necessary, and will never be repealed no matter how much planetary temperatures or CO2 levels drop.
By then, too many livelihoods, bureaucracies and 'industries' like carbon credits would be too dependent upon it. As Max Weber so famously stated, "the purpose of a bureacracy is to perpetuate itself." When was the last time you ever saw one voluntarily dismantle itself because its overlords thought it was no longer necessary? We couldn't have people losing all those GW jobs just because the earth is icing over now, could we? I do not claim to be an expert. I can only go on what I know and have learned. Nor am I unbiased on the subject, due to my unrelenting suspicion of those who have too much of a personal, financial or political stake in taxing and regulating us back into caves.
The fact is, we all have a stake in this with respect to our finances and our freedoms to make our own individual choices, and not have petty tyrannical government bureaucrats dictating to us whether or when we can flip on a light switch, or turn up a thermostat because our kids have the flu. As always, I welcome comments, analyses and even clever insults. Most welcome are any comments or observations by scientists in the field, no matter which side of the Global Warming aisle they're on.
What I will pay absolutely no mind to are moronic accusations or insults to my intelligence by FLDS-like Global Warming True Believers, or discussions of Arctic ice core samples by Liberal Arts grads whose only real scientific knowledge and experience with Global Warming is getting a sunburn.
Please watch also The Great Global Warming Swindle:
Link to my earlier post:
Please watch also The Great Global Warming Swindle:
Link to my earlier post:
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