Thursday, 19 March 2009


This post was first published here on 13th of September 2008. Due to the below video being found today by my son Kerey, I am reposting it as I believe it to be of the utmost importance. Edward Laughlan

This post, as the majority of my posts, has to do with the Illuminati elite agenda. My intention here is make you more aware of how the Illuminati elite families control the recording industry and the film industry. It is a normal procedure for the intelligence services to come forward giving instructions to film directors and song writers of famous bands - ideas we will say! The below video by the London band Coldplay called, Cemeteries of London, is interesting not only for its haunting melody. The song, no doubt inspired by the world's no.1 intelligence organisation MI5/MI6, predicts the end of old London town itself. The lyrics below should be read as you listen, or beforehand. Important verses are highlighted. The song and the video, highlight sin and therefore, judgement. The Illuminati themselves have already preplanned this 'water' judgement. Al Gore is their chosen messenger of impending death:

Cemeteries of London

At night they would go walking ‘til the breaking of the day,
The morning is for sleeping…
Through the dark streets they go searching to seek God in their own way,
Save the night-time for your weeping…
Your weeping…

Singing la lalalala la lé…
And the night over London lay.
So we rode down to the river where the Victoria ghosts pray
for their curses to be broken…
We’d go wandering neath the arches where the witches are and they say
There are ghost towns in the ocean…
The ocean…
Singing la lalalala la lé…
And the night over London lay.

God is in the houses and God is in my head… and all the cemeteries in London…
I see God come in my garden, but I don’t know what he said,
For my heart, it wasn’t open…
Not open…

Singing la lalalala la lé…
and the night over London lay.
Singing la lalalala la lé…
There's no light over London today.

London itself, as detailed in my book, The Best-Laid Schemes O' Mice An' Men... is indeed doomed to the sea as are many other world cities - New York of course included! Now after taking this in, I want you to take a look at something else even more blatant in its contents This next video is by the American group the Foo Fighters called, Summer's Over. The emphasis here though, is on Virginia. It predicts a nuclear holocaust for this area. Check the album cover that the song has been taken from - a nuclear type bomb but with what looks like a Tesla device inside it! The Tesla technology HAARP device (actually a weapon of mass destruction) can produce nuclear explosions with no need for an actual bomb! I believe it is important that you go through this with me as we are about to discuss a recent Illuminati/Masonic film called The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull by Stephen Spielberg and featuring Harrison Ford that seems to implicate Virginia as well. Again, I will give you the words to the song first:

"Summer's End"

Early morning without warning
Woke me with a scare
I had that dream again
That the sun was dead

Make me warm or take me home
Its so cold in here
Can't we meet somewhere
Is it winter there?
Is it winter there?
This winter

Meet me in the summertime
We can move the air
Sweet Virginia countryside
I will meet you there

Golden lips and cherry wine
Moonshine in your hair
Just keep staring at the sun
Pray for summer's end.

Come on over brave my storm
Oceans overhead
Come inside, my friend
Getting bad out there

Every moment we have stolen
All we have to share

No one wanted them
But you know I did
You know I did
This moment

Meet me in the summertime
We can move the air
Sweet Virginia countryside
I will meet you there

Bloody lips and cherry wine
Moonshine in your hair
Just keep staring at the sun
Pray for summer's end

Meet me in the summertime
We can move the air
Sweet Virginia countryside
I will meet you there

Bloody lips and cherry wine
Moonshine in your hair
Just keep staring at the sun
Pray for summer's end

Meet me in the summertime
Meet me in the summertime
Meet me in the summertime
We can move the air
Meet me in the summertime
I will meet you there

HAARP can indeed move the air - and the ionosphere! The strange line - Pray for summers end could be a reference to the bright light from the explosion, I mean who on Earth prays for summer to end? The same as for the other line - just keep staring at the sun. In other words, the bright light. It is also interesting to note that someone else out there has taken this very song, added the title World in Conflict before Summer's End and put their own war video with it that ends with a nuclear explosion. It is the official video for: World in Conflict: Summer's End, do_Virginia.

Here now is a shortened version of an interesting note I found on the internet regarding the film I mentioned earlier. This person had watched the film a few times taking notes as he went:

"Kabalists Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg use their latest production, The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Illuminati elite families) to place a hidden cipher code of the possible soon coming nuclear destruction of Virginia, supposedly 138 days after the movie opened! May 22nd plus 138days = October 6th 2008. The movie has a triple cipher in it. Car plates that reveal a terrorist Law by number. Another plate that has Obama’s Masonic Lodge number. Then there’s the car number plate of AV9120 which is the date of Bush’s end of term in reverse (02-1-09). If they, by implementing martial law, keep Bush in power, the nuclear explosion seen near the beginning of the film along with the car plate AV9120 could mean that a planned holocaust could be in the making with Virginia singled out if you reverse the AV to VA.

11 various items like a witches circled talisman or the gophers that survive living underground in their ‘CRYPT’ are all shown 3 times. 11 things shown 3 times each, multiplied equals 33, a sacred number for Masons and the elite. Then there’s the marriage of the 13 skull aliens into a collective mind - which of course are the New World Order’s current 13 families who rule above the committee of 300 (CFR), that plan to bring their One World Government out of martial law with this possibility of using a thermo-nuclear device on a U.S. city. All high degree Masons, with your view from above as being the gods that you are - take note! Three times the fountain drops - go west of Virginia B-4 138 days pass from this movie’s opening date or the air will not agree with you unless you are in an underground crypt. Pack a bag and head west of VA – It’s time to go now – It’s time to go now – It’s time to go now!

11 X 3 in the movie = 33 - the 33 degrees of basic Freemasonry.

1: The three ground hogs, or ground hogs shown three times.

2: The waterfall actually drops three times.

3: Talisman shown three times.

4: Three Russian men get knocked off cliff by the tree sling shooting back.

5: Facial disintegration is show three times

6: Told to go west three times

7: Told to either Pack or bring your bag three times

8: Harrison ford counts 1-2-3 regarding waterfalls as they get ready to go over the next fall.

9: The Russian lady won three awards - she holds out her hand and says: three times I received award of Stalin/Lenin

10: They show the expression of an underground crypt three times

11: A song says three times that IT’S TIME TO GO NOW"

Now, as I said at the beginning of this post, I decided to post this only as an insight into the Illuminati mindset to let you see a little bit more of what they are up to and of how they just love to play with us and send messages of what they may or may not do. In this saga about Virginia, I pray they are giving out false information as they do from time to time. But one thing - they will start in earnest soon if we do not move ourselves to educate the masses and set up prayer warrior groups - it is our only hope against these mad fiends whose only aim is to destroy us . One insider I know of says that the Illuminati are on a different calendar to the rest of us. That their calendar is 12 years behind ours and for that reason they have set the date for entering into the new millennium as January 1st 2013. So December 31st, 2012 - the end of the age as they keep telling us, is to them December 31st 2000. One other important point in all of this is the fact that the super rare alignment of planets, including our Earth and the Sun with the centre of the galaxy actually happened in the mid to late 1990's. The elite are deliberately lying about this fact in order to convince us that this false rare alignment will bring with it the death and destruction that they the elite are planning themselves! They are planning a deluge like Noah's flood.

HIDDEN SECRETS OF THE ALPHA COURSE Pages 166-167: "The Weather Modification Advisory Board (WMAB) proposed the establishment of a comprehensive, and well funded, continuing research program by the federal government into weather modification. It also proposed multilateral research and development agreements and comprehensive international accords, such as the ENMOD Convention... At the time of its 1979 report, the WMAB indicated that, ‘NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] regards itself and is regarded by Congress, as the focal agency for matters having to do with the atmosphere and the oceans.’ At that time NOAA had several research laboratories under its domain, including:

The National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Oklahoma

The National Hurricane and Experimental meteorology Laboratory in Miami, Fl.

The Research Facilities Centre in Miami, Florida

The Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado

The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton, New Jersey

The Air Resources Laboratories which were located at several sites around the country.”


Two Waffen SS Swastikas one on top of the other with

a centred satanic pentagram make up the new emblem of

Homeland Security Weather Network (United States).

Added by Author of The Best-Laid Schemes.

“NOAA was also responsible for the federal government’s civilian atmospheric services, including: The National Weather Service, The National Environmental Satellite Service and The Environmental Data and Information Service... For those of you who want to be politically correct (PC), The National Journal reported on 20 May, 1978, that NOAA no longer uses such terms as ‘rain making,’ ‘weather modification’ or even ‘climate control.’ The appropriate PC buzz-phrase is ‘weather resource management.’"

The 322 below the infamous SKULL & BONES logo stands for perfection, completion and death.

3+2+2 = 7

3x2 = 6x2 = 12

322 take away its reverse number 223 = 99

99 = 9x11 or 9 - 11

9 and 11 are another two sacred numbers to these Satanists!

Matthew 24: 37-39: But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark. And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

As they are so desperate to send us their Christ figure - the Antichrist - before the Son of man returns to collect His faithful followers, the Illuminati elite are planning to flood the Earth between now and the end of 2012 and cause earthquakes and whatever other devastation they can muster in order to insist that this prophecy above, like others they will quote, has been truly fulfilled. They will then present their candidate - as they always have done! This time though, he will definitely be the last! Their final plan remember, between 2012 and 2020, after the west has been sufficiently weakened, is to engage east and west in the most horrific World War ever. We must pray that their plans will be delayed and that the world can continue a little longer and that the end comes when the God of the Bible, Yahweh, has decided. Eddie


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