Friday, 1 May 2009


Swine Flu is a HOAX!

It is a U.S. Government
Psychological Operation (Psy/Op)
to TERRIFY the Public!

"This is not the first time the U.S. Government has used the LIE of “Swine Flu” to try to accomplish its evil goals. In 1976, they wreaked havoc on the American people with their disastrous “Swine Flu” vaccine that caused numerous horrendous injuries and deaths.

WHAT are the U.S. Government and the New World Order/Illuminati doing?

1. Swine Flu is a Hoax. The symptoms of supposed swine flu are indistinguishable from regular flu or from the common cold. It does NOT cause death anymore often than the regular flu causes death.

2. There is NO “pandemic potential” except in the minds of the evil New World Order/Illuminati tyrants whose goal is to rapidly decrease the population of America and the world (population extermination), unless they can DECEIVE YOU into believing their LIES and taking their DANGEROUS vaccine – that will suddenly appear.

3. The figures being reported for “Swine Flu” are outright LIES. They will say in the headlines, “60 people die from Swine Flu” but when you read the text of the article, you will it is NOT 60. In fact, only 12 have been “documented” and they don’t even say HOW they were “documented.”

4. The various media groups (TV, newspapers, movies, magazines) are controlled by the same group that is in charge of this “Swine Flu” Psy/Op. They are partners to the LIES.

5. The pharmaceutical companies, which will reap huge monetary benefits from this hoax, are part of the same cabal. Baxter International, the corrupt pharmaceutical company that was recently caught red-handed sending vaccines contaminated with Bird Flu to 18 countries, has apparently been “chosen” to make a vaccine for “Swine Flu.”

6. This “Swine flu” virus is undoubtedly another man-made virus – a hybrid of part “swine flu”, part human flu and part bird flu. Something like that can ONLY come from a laboratory!

WHY are they doing this?

1. Control of the population: terror, giving up one’s rights, quarantine,

2. Further destruction of the economy by the enormous fraudulent “costs” that will be claimed to “control” the epidemic.

3. Huge profits for the pharmaceutical companies for anti-viral treatments – and potential sale of “swine flu” vaccines (supposedly not yet available).

4. Mandatory vaccinations for “swine flu” which the New World Order/Illuminati hopes will kill MILLIONS of Americans and others around the globe. These mandatory vaccines will be purposely contaminated with TERRIBLE diseases that are specifically designed to KILL you.

5. NO vaccination is effective. And EVERY vaccination is UNSAFE. Vaccinations for routine diseases cause horrific damage – and often lead to the death of the vaccinated individual.

6. The “swine flu” vaccine will undoubtedly have even MORE deadly substances added to do its job of killing off millions of people for Population Extermination of 5 1/2 Billion people which the New World Order/Illuminati wants to accomplish within the next 10 years, so THEY can OWN the earth.

Who are “they”?

Their plan is euphemistically called “Sustainable Development” which is a code phrase for Population Extermination! The evil gurus of Population Extermination are the New World Order/Illuminati demonic leaders, including Prince Philip and Prince Charles (and Queen Elizabeth) of England, the (Jewish) Rothschilds who rule the world from the City of London, the (Jewish) Neo-Cons who run the U.S. President, the Senate and the House of Representatives like puppets on a string, and the leaders of almost every country in the world – who are also puppets of the Zionist Jewish elite.

Please read my article on the Bird Flu Hoax. In that article I show how they tried to get a pandemic started with SARS, but SARS couldn’t spread fast enough, so they came up with “Bird Flu.” Bird Flu is essentially “SARS with wings.” But Bird flu didn’t “fly” either.

Now apparently they have moved on to “Swine Flu.” They must hope that “Pigs can fly” in order to make THIS manufactured “pandemic” spread rapidly around the world.

Don’t Panic! That’s what they WANT you to do! This supposed “Swine flu” is no more dangerous or life-threatening than the regular, garden-variety, every-day kind of flu.

What WILL be terribly dangerous and life-threatening are the vaccines they will manufacture (and purposely contaminate with deadly diseases) to supposedly “protect” you from Swine flu.

Swine Flu Expose


This booklet on Swine Flu hazards and fakery is part of a larger book on vaccination, titled, VACCINATION CONDEMNED BY COMPETENT DOCTORS. It is about time a large and comprehensive book of the long concealed facts about vaccination is brought forth. This is the largest and most informative book on the subject ever written in America. It contains data collected from medical records, army reports, and startling findings from researchers all over the world.

The book is intended to help combat the disastrous effects of vaccine promoters and their deceptive propaganda.

I have seen cancers caused by vaccinations, on the arms of people, exactly where the vaccine was injected. I have also seen paralysis and other tragedies caused by vaccinations. All these are unnecessary and avoidable by the application of information contained in the chapters of this book.

It will be noted that there are many repetitions of certain facts all through the book. There are two reasons for this. One is that some chapters are used as separate booklets like the chapter on SWINE FLU. The other reason is that the wrong information about vaccination has been drilled into the people from early childhood, so it is necessary to repeat the truth many times in order to re-program the thinking from false claims to the truth.

Truth wears no mask, she seeks neither place nor applause, bows to no human shrine; she only asks a hearing."----Anon


"Take the profit out of the manufacture and administration of serums and vaccines and they would soon be condemned even by those who are now using them"—George Starr White M D

At the present writing, October 1976, a group of medical opportunists have taken upon themselves the dictatorial authority to declare the threat of a sweeping epidemic of SWINE FLU which they said was similar to or related to the 1918 epidemic of Spanish influenza which wiped out 20,000,000 people world-wide. This declaration was supposed to scare all the people into their vaccination centers to be shot full of experimental vaccine poisons, while they, the promoters, raked in the profits. During the big polio vaccine drive, a spokesman for ParkeDavis one of the five drug houses making the vaccine stated "Our company will clear over $10,000,000 on Salk vaccine in 1955 " Before they were through they had fleeced the people of over $4 billion dollars on the Salk racket (See the chapter on POLIO CAUSED BY VACCINATION)

Most of the people had their eyes opened during the polio vaccine fiasco so now when the same poison pushers started to beat their drums again for swine flu vaccine customers, they were smart enough to see through the hoax and refuse the shots, even though the scare-head propaganda slogans said swine flu is contagious and you can die if you don t get the shots

However, the scare techniques and perhaps other inducements, worked on (the then acting) President Ford who has since been voted out of office—and none too soon. When the high pressure sales committee, Doctors Salk Sabin, Sencer, Mathews Cooper, etc marched into Ford's office in March (76) and told him to hand over $135,000,000 to support their private money making racket, he handed it over like a simple child without even bothering to ask them for a guarantee that their unproved vaccine would not kill the people—as it did in other vaccine drives—or that their claims were justified.

Their claims of safety, effectiveness and need have all been proved to be false during the past few weeks when the vaccine killed 113 people, nation wide, and paralyzed 75 in California alone. We do not have the reports from all 50 states, but if it is the same as in Calif. that would add up to 3,675 cases of paralysis. Many coroners have been given orders by the doctors not to give out the swine flu casualties. So, we don’t know all the facts yet, and we may never know unless we have a "Watergate" investigation.



Up to January 7, 1977 the death count from swine flu vaccine was 113 (people) and paralysis was 139. We have reason to believe that this is only a fraction of the actual casualties. During the polio vaccine drive in the early 1950’s when the shots caused so many deaths and cases of paralysis, Dr. Dale, of the Los Angeles Epidemiology Department, said that for every case that was reported there were an estimated 15 unreported cases. Many vaccine deaths were recorded as from other causes, to conceal the hazards of the vaccine...."

Read the full report at:


Unknown said...

I dont see how people cant do logical calculations..some still think that the illuminati is nothing but a over imaginative comic....please tell me how i can help im more then willing to help

Eddie said...

All I am trying to do RJ is alert people to the fact that NOTHING is as it seems and that we have ALL been fooled by our extremely deceitful, Fabian Socialist minded, Luciferian leaders and governments. The end is nigh upon humanity and too many folks are still going around with their heads stuck firmly up their backsides - pardon me!
If you are a believer in the Creator God of the Bible, pray and alert others! If not, but you want to try and alert others that you feel you can get thru to, then do that. I believe we may only have until the end of 2012 unless enough people pray agaisnt the powers of Satan. His New World Order is now knocking at the door. Christians especially, need to waken up! No-one can assume that they will escape Scot-free from what is coming upon the Earth.
Thank you for your interest RJ. Please do not hesitate to contact me again if you would like to comment further - Eddie.